Bars and Clubs Are Training Staff on Date Rape
Posted by DrinkSafe on 2nd Jul 2019
Instances of date rape continue to make national and local headlines. And most of the attention centers around bars and clubs. DrinkSafe has been getting word out for years with our drink test coasters and other testing products. But it's time that bars and clubs start to train their staff on identifying instances of potential date rape and how to react to these crimes within their walls.
Luckily, there are a couple of great programs out there addressing this. First is Safe Bars, who "uses innovative bystander education strategies to empower D.C.-area bar staff to stand up against sexual harassment and assault." They have programs to spread this throughout the US, to other bars and clubs. There is another example in Arizona, the Arizona Safer Bars Alliance, whose mission is "to help make your bar a fun and safe environment for your patrons. Learn more about this initiative and how to become a safer bar."
Programs like these are the first step. It's up to all bar patrons to demand that their favorite bars and clubs do what they can to protect their customers. Obviously, getting some DrinkSafe coasters is a great step (we even have branded coasters). But it's just as important that these bars create a culture of safety through training programs for their staff, like the ones mentioned above.
Talk to the manager at your favorite establishment. Get them thinking about the safety and well-being of their clients.