Custom Coasters Detect GHB and Ketamine
Put your company or organization branding on our date rape drug detection coasters, and help keep your customers safe from date rape drugs. Custom coasters are popular with women support groups, universities, bars and more.
Add custom graphics, logos, and text. Simply supply the artwork using our templates below. Minimum order of 500 count required. Our date rape coasters detect GHB and Ketamine instantly with a simple, easy to read change in color with just a drop of liquid.
To test your drink, place drops of the beverage to be tested onto each spot using a swizzle stick or even your finger. Rub gently. Do not mix the chemicals from each spot together. They should remain separated for best results. Wait until dry. The test can take a few minutes to dry and get a result, be patient. If either spot turns to a DARKER BLUE COLOR, a positive test result has occurred.